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What is CLFC?

Creating Lasting Family Connections (CLFC) is an evidenced-based prevention intervention curriculum proven to enhance and strengthen family bonds while building protective factors. Participating youth and adults are encouraged to improve their personal growth through increasing self-awareness, expression of feelings and interpersonal communication.  Participants are taught social skills, refusal and conflict resolution skills, and appropriate knowledge and healthy beliefs about alcohol and other drugs.  These skills provide a strong defense against environmental risk factors that can lead to negative outcomes.   It is composed of two components with three modules each- youth and adult.

The youth component is tailored specifically for ages 9-18. Topics addressed include:  I statements, conflict resolution, independence and responsibility, and positive communication.  Through discussions, worksheets, and role-plays youth engage with one another as they develop a better understanding of themselves and how their behavior impacts others. 

The adult component provides parents and other caring adults with family management, family enhancement, and communications training.  All participants are provided opportunities to practice theses skills in a safe, peer-group setting. Participants build practical skills through discussion, worksheets, and role-play scenarios which provide a foundation that increases positive family interactions.

The CLFC curriculum can be utilized in a variety of community settings and has been adapted by the program developer to serve the special adult populations of substance abuse recovery, prison reentry, fatherhood, and healthy marriage.  It can be facilitated within many different contexts including treatment and correctional facilities, faith-based organizations, or other community programs.  As a billable service, it integrates well with existing group meetings, both as a mandated or voluntary class.  The curriculum is composed of three different modules which can be broken up and facilitated separately.  Each module consists of 4-5 sessions typically taught as 2-hour classes.

Woman enjoying a dinner with friends.

“We facilitated all three CLFC modules with women in our 30-day residential treatment program.  Women who participated in the program reported improvement in knowledge and attitudes about substance use (85%), communication skills (100%), and overall family enhancement (62%) through the retrospective survey.  The women also reported using the communication tools learned in the program as being helpful in resolving conflicts amongst each other.” – L.H., 2021

How do I become certified?

Currently, those who wish to be certified to facilitate the CLFC curriculum must be able to attend a 5-day in person, all day (8:30am-5pm) training.  Training is offered throughout the year at the UMADAOP located in Mansfield, OH.

Frequently Asked Questions

CLFC is an evidenced-based curriculum, what does that mean?

 An evidenced-based prevention intervention means that it has been thoroughly tested and proven to be effective when implemented to fidelity.